[UbuntuWomen] Women in Foss Email Interview

Yolynne Medina yolynne at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 03:51:41 UTC 2007

Hello Girls!

I need to get some materials for the WOMEN IN FOSS multi media presentaion
Here are some of the questions that will be utilized for the presentation

Your brief personal background like age, education, work, principles in life

What inspired you to use FOSS?
What are your current FOSS related projects?
What areas in FOSS do you or are you concentrating at?
What are your accomplishments in the FOSS arena?
What are the issues and problems that you face since the time you have being
involved in FOSS?
What are your future plans that would help promote FOSS?
What can you suggest or recommend to fellow women who would like to be
active and be visible in the FOSS world?

Pls. do send us some pictures too

Thank you very much and God Bless!



"I want to be part of the Salt of the earth"
yahoo messenger : yolynne.rm
google talk: yolynne
skype: ynmedina
Mobile: +639062199524
irc (server: irc.freenode.net #iosn, #ubuntu-ph, #ubuntu-women) nick:
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