[UbuntuWomen] Community Council Update/Membership Drive
B.A. Lopez
dinda at mac.com
Tue Feb 13 14:23:47 UTC 2007
Thanks to all this morning who attended the Community Council
meeting. The CC is emailing various folks to check on their
continued availability and has made Lyz/Pleia2 a website and
Launchpad Admin so we can keep moving forward. Yeah Lyz!
While we were there, NurseGirl came up with a great idea of having an
Ubuntero and Ubuntu membership drive. We'll discuss it more at our
next IRC meeting (25 Feb 15:00 UTC) but generally the idea is get
more women signed up as Ubunteros (join the Launchpad Team, sign the
Code of Conduct) and then have several of us go up for Ubuntu
Membership (be an Ubuntero and show a record of activity within the
community then go before the CC for official membership). I
suggested we tie this into Nursegirl's/others International Women's
Day project and target that week to sign up folks. And thus a plan
was hatched!
We will be sending out more details but feel free to ask questions
here and add your own suggestions. Right now the Launchpad Team has
about 35 members listed, so if you would like to add your name to
that group, please do. It's not required by any means, but it is a
good way to track projects and membership. http://www.launchpad.net
thanks all!
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