[UbuntuWomen] [ubuntu-marketing] UWN #51: "... and this evenincluded some wi

Sulamita Garcia sulamita at linuxchix.org.br
Sun Aug 19 20:41:25 UTC 2007

Sorry took me so long to answer that.

> On 8/7/07, Sulamita Garcia <sulamita at linuxchix.org.br> wrote:
>> and I totally agree. I told several UW that my impression from lurking
>> is
>> that the project is not been listen. Everybody have suggestions or
>> things
>> to say about what you should do or accept or change, but I don't think
>> they are listening of what you are actually saying.
> Luckily your impression is incorrect. In spite of the comments from
> Martin/bueno and some random person coming along who has never
> contributed to the Marketing list before complaining about political
> correctness, the response to me personally has been overwhelmingly
> positive.

I'm glad my post cause the entire report, that's good. But if I go search
for the end of this UWN story, the last think I can find is your mail
saying why that is not an "a harmless insignificant detail" in the
marketing mailing list. That's it, no "sorry, we didn't mean it and we are
going to be more careful", neither "we made an errata and apologize for
it". The solution maybe happened in the backstage, but the damage was very

Maybe you see some difference because people tell you in person/chat/mail,
but from my point of view, I saw nothing. Maybe that's because I'm no
member  of any other Ubuntu list neither spend too much time on IRC. But
maybe also you or other people are missing the fact that most people don't
see personal apologies or support messages. What I see is people offending
women in community in public, intentionally or not, and maybe supporting
them in private. It that what you want?

If people supporting you in private do it because they are afraid of being
accused of "politic correctness speech" or "just because they're girls",
that's very very sad. It is their option, but while it doesn't repair the
bad episode, also don't count too much, in my opinion. Maybe that can
count more for you because you're the one receiving it. But for me and
many people lurking or just watching how it is going to be solve, it
doesn't count very much.

Brain: Prepare yourself for your 15 minutes of fame
Pinky: after that, can I have 15 minutes of macarena?
 °v°  Sulamita Garcia
/(_)\  LinuxChix Brasil
^ ^  http://sulamita.linuxchix.org.br/

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