[UbuntuWomen] IRC meeting with Jono and IRC bot

Vid Ayer svaksha at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 08:35:28 UTC 2007

On 4/27/07, Melissa Draper <melissa at meldraweb.com> wrote:
> Maybe a compromise in terms of the logging. Surely there's a plugin for
> blootbot or whatever that one can enable logging, and disable it? that
> way important things can be logged, but private-ish discussion kept
> private-ish?

Ahem, the u-w channel is not private (or by invitation). Since all are
free to join,  anyone logged into the u-w channel 24/7 can keep
private archives. Then how does the conversation remain private ?

To me the advantages outweigh the disadvantages but I want to hear
more viewpoints on this.


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