[UbuntuWomen] IRC Meeting - Thu Apr 19th 4pm UTC

Jono Bacon jono at ubuntu.com
Wed Apr 4 11:49:45 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I would like to suggest we have an IRC meeting on Thu Apr 19th at 4pm
UTC to discuss some of the issues that have been occuring recently. This
is a good opportunity for everyone to weigh in with some feedback and
for us to figure out how to solve some of these problems.

I would have scheduled the meeting sooner but I am in Brazil for a week
next week.

If you can get along, that would be great. We can hold it in
#ubuntu-women on Freenode. I hope as many people as possible can get
along. :)

Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager
www.ubuntu.com / www.jonobacon.org

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