[UbuntuWomen] Re: [ubuntu-women] The U-W wiki

|| vid || svaksha at gmail.com
Sat Mar 11 09:12:42 UTC 2006

On 3/10/06, Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au> wrote:
> I'd like to contribute to and translate the information in the Ubuntu-
> Women wiki, but I thought I should check first that I'm on the right
> track.
> The main U-W page appears to be aimed at developers, and has a heavy
> coding-technical element. That's good, but I'd really like to
> interpolate a para or two emphasizing how everyone's work is
> valuable, and the different types of contributions you can make.
> Would that be appropriate?

*Anyone* can make changes to the wiki.  So go for it ... I've got a
draft of ideas / proposals sitting in my mailbox that I was going to
post it here (rather than the wiki for easier feedback from you all)
over the weekend ... maybe tonight :-)

> Like some of the stuff on the Gnome-Women page [1].
> I'd also like to put a translation bar across the top of the page,
> like in the Gnome Translation Project [2] (sorry this is all Gnome

I repeat, *anyone*  ...... :-)  All you need is a Launchpad account to
startwith. Maybe this is not prominently displayed and is confusing to
newcomers. Is that so ?

|| vid ||

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