[ubuntu-women] The U-W wiki

Clytie Siddall clytie at riverland.net.au
Fri Mar 10 04:14:05 UTC 2006

Hi everyone :)

I hope wherever you are today, the software is humming along and  
you're not stuck with cold coffee/tea because you forgot about it  
again. ;)

I do this all the time. <sigh>  Even invested in a USB coffee mug,  
but don't really have room for it in bed. But the gist of my message...

I'd like to contribute to and translate the information in the Ubuntu- 
Women wiki, but I thought I should check first that I'm on the right  

The main U-W page appears to be aimed at developers, and has a heavy  
coding-technical element. That's good, but I'd really like to  
interpolate a para or two emphasizing how everyone's work is  
valuable, and the different types of contributions you can make.  
Would that be appropriate?

Like some of the stuff on the Gnome-Women page [1].

I'd also like to put a translation bar across the top of the page,  
like in the Gnome Translation Project [2] (sorry this is all Gnome  
links, but it's recent work for me and thus on hand). It's only a  
simple bar, but works, and languages can be added easily. We were  
putting translation links at the bottom of the page, but someone  
pointed out that people who don't read English, or can't read much of  
it, aren't likely to plough through the whole page looking for a  
translation link. ;)  The language "bar" in the Debian-Women wiki [3]  
is another example.

I'm willing to put myself in as a translation mentor, but if there's  
someone here who knows the Ubuntu translation project well, s/he  
would be a better choice. I haven't become involved in the Ubuntu  
translation project yet, and with my current load, it's not an  
immediate possibility. I could certainly help with general info. and  
as a backup mentor. :)

Now, if I can actually get through my email before bedtime today...

Byee! <waves>

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm  
Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

[1] http://live.gnome.org/GnomeWomen

[2] http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject

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