[ubuntu-women] Happy Women's Day :) and SpeechRecognition software

|| vid || svaksha at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 08:58:48 UTC 2006

Hello All,

On 3/8/06, Henrik Nilsen Omma <henrik at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> More to the point, I'll take the opportunity to introduce myself. I

Thanks and here's wishing everyone a happy Womens day too !

> manage TheOpenCD project [1], which is a sister project of Ubuntu and is
> primarily focused on increasing awareness of open source (via the
> Windows platform in that particular case). I'm also president of
> Software Freedom International, organisers of Software Freedom Day [2].

http://maitri.ubuntu.com/,  .... "maitri" means friendship (in some
Indian languages) so its very apt :-)

> example content for the next release [3] (suggestions are still welcome)
> and also lead the Accessibility Team.

Does the Accessibility team work in the areas of speech/voice-to-text
and vice-versa? I did read the SpeechRecognition wiki page but the
process does seem complicated and requires two powerful computers
(read latest hardware, I guess). Is there any how-to page or could you
point me to some links.
There was a GPL'd text-speech software[1] developed in India and they
also have some for download here [2]. Would this be useful in Ubuntu ?
Might need to be tweaked for platform support though.

> It seems I've also ended up being a co-moderator of this list,

thanks, I'll try not to overwork you ;-)  ... In a way, having a male
admin working alongside women in itself means UW is an all-inclusive
group but if anybody thinks otherwise please holler ... We do listen
to all suggestions !

On a side note, I am happy to announce that the Ubuntu-Indian[3] team
was granted official status at Tuesday's CC meeting and we hope to get
stuff happening soon.

|| vid ||

[1] http://www.simputer.org/simputer/about/
[2] http://www.simputer.org/simputer/downloads/
[3] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam

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