[ubuntu-women] introduction

Diane Gonzales di.gonzales at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 12:44:59 UTC 2006

Hi all!

Since everyone seems to be introducing themselves, I might as well
introduce myself too.

I'm Diane Gonzales, from the Philippines. I'm a Computer Science
student and discovered Linux back in 2003. I've been booting back and
forth between Windows and Linux until I got DSL since net surfing was
really slow when I was still on Winmodem and I always had to use
Windows to surf the net.

Anyway, I started to use Ubuntu on its first release, but due to my
internship where the office uses Fedora and CentOS, I had to go back
to Fedora (formerly Red Hat). Went back to Ubuntu again when 5.04 was
released. I haven't been around much, but I'd like to help with the
Filipino translation of the distribution.

Diana Jayne C. Gonzales

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