[ubuntu-women] introduction

Natalie Downe natbat at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 02:38:39 UTC 2006

> >I would like to see  women speak-up here and ask Ubuntu-related
> > questions.  For starters, how about all the 60+ members
> > introducing(*)  themselves and that includes the men too :-)

Hello! my name is Natalie, I work as a web developer for a company in
the Cotswolds and I've been using Ubuntu now for roughly a year and a
half.  I switched 'cold-turkey' from windows XP at the beginning of my
final year at University and I haven't looked back since!

Though I am not a linux developer by trade, I joined this list because
I would like to learn, and to help out with the Ubuntu cause if I can


Natalie Downe (http://www.natbat.co.uk)
   Web Developer

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