[UbuntuWomen] Women and open source

guidicelli at women.it guidicelli at women.it
Wed Jun 28 08:14:05 UTC 2006

my name is Giovanna and I'm a linux and ubuntu user. I'm also working for an
italian women's association as system administrator and as author of a section
in our on line magazine (a project funded by the European community called
technedonne, the site, in italian, is http://www.technedonne.it) about women
and open source.
By now I've written some articles on some important women in the 
history of ICT
, such as Ada Byron and Grace Hopper, and also about LInuxchix's HOw to
encourage women in linux.
Now I would like to write on ubuntu-women and I would really appreciate if you
could answer some questions about the ubuntu-women community and its 
or tell me your experiences in the open source community.
It would be also very nice if some italian girl is partecipating this project.

Hope you understand my poor english...

Thank you


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