[UbuntuWomen] GNOME development projects available for female students this summer

Hanna M. Wallach hmw26 at srcf.ucam.org
Thu Jun 15 13:22:20 UTC 2006

Hi everyone,

The GNOME Foundation is offering USD$9000 to female students in order
to promote the participation of women in GNOME-related development.

The money originates from GNOME's participation in the Google "Summer
of Code" program (code.google.com/soc/), for which GNOME developers
will mentor 20 students working throughout the northern summer on
GNOME-related projects. This year GNOME received 181 applications to
Google's program, yet none were from women. The GNOME Foundation has
therefore chosen to reinvest Google's contribution into a new program
designed to increase the participation of women in GNOME. The program
has no official relationship with Google.

The Women's Summer Outreach Program is currently accepting
applications from female students. If you'd like to apply, please
visit the program website (www.gnome.org/projects/wsop/). If you know
any female students who might be interested in applying, please tell
them about the program! You can also put up a poster

For more information, see the press release
(www.gnome.org/press/releases/wsop.html) and program website

hanna m. wallach
blog: http://join-the-dots.org/
work: http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/hmw26/

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