[UbuntuWomen] The Ubuntu-Women's team and presentation
Vid Ayer
svaksha at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 11:07:00 UTC 2006
On 8/15/06, Andreas Lloyd <lloydinho at gmail.com> wrote:
> getting a link on http://www.ubuntu.com/community - you should talk to
This page links here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Teams, where UW is listed.
> Maybe that should be an incentive to apply for Ubuntu membership and get
> on the Planet. I'm sure your involvement with UbuntuWomen will qualify
> you for approval. :-)
Ahem... not all women are Ubuntu members :-) For example, Maria
Soler's blog is aggregated on Planet.UW but just like us here she too
is not an U.member. Currently we keep it simple and dont insist on
membership, which is voluntary afterall. FAIK, there may be other
women volunteering in different upstream / communities / projects as
per their time constraints and interest, not necessarily for fame!
Elizabeth Krumbach wrote:
> - Create Art work
> - Report Bugs
> - Community building
> - Links (Ubuntu Flavors ! & The Ubuntu World !)
> These would all be small pages, but I think it would help people just
Absolutely great :-) That would help women integrate into the
community, since they came specifically to UW looking for that
information. It would be nice if you and Andreas were able to make it
a reality.
> http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/OldWiki
> I propose a deadline of August 31st for getting stuff off the old wiki. On
> September 1st we'll get rid of everything on that old wiki and point all
> the existing pages to the new Ubuntu-Women.org
OldWiki sounds good... Please co-ordinate it with each translator and
Clytie who is a mentor for translations. Maria, is busy with WSOP, so
do consider giving a longer time frame if possible.
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