[Ubuntu-UY] [Fwd: Nmap 6 Released!]
Helius Ferreira
helius en adinet.com.uy
Lun Mayo 21 23:17:25 UTC 2012
--------- Mensaje reenviado --------
De: Fyodor <fyodor en insecure.org>
Para: nmap-hackers en insecure.org
Asunto: Nmap 6 Released!
Fecha: Mon, 21 May 2012 12:27:13 -0700
Hi folks! After almost three years of work, 3,924 code commits, and
more than a dozen point releases since Nmap 5, I'm delighted to
announce the release of Nmap 6! It includes a more powerful Nmap
Scripting Engine, 289 new scripts, better web scanning, full IPv6
support, the Nping packet prober, faster scans, and much more!
For the top 6 improvements in Nmap 6, see the release notes:
Or you can go straight to the download page to grab the source code or
the Linux, Mac, and Windows installers:
Enjoy the release! And if you find any bugs, let us know on nmap-dev
as described at:
As an open source project, we don't have a marketing budget. So
please help spread the word about the new release! I encounter many
folks at security conferences who haven't heard about all the modern
Nmap capabilities and only use it as a simple port scanner. Anyone
who doesn't use NSE, or at least version detection, is missing out!
PS: This mailing list isn't going anywhere, but you can also follow us
on Twitter and Facebook:
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