[Ubuntu-UY] [uylug-varios] Alguien esta usando "ocsinventory" ..??

Guillermo Lisi guillermolisi en gmail.com
Vie Jun 22 15:15:48 UTC 2012

Tambien vengo usandolo desde la version 1.x (hace algo mas de 4 años) y
hasta aqui sigue siendo cada vez mas recomendable sin importar la escala
de la instalacion a inventariar y de la diversidad de tecnologia que

On 06/20/2012 01:06 PM, Luciano Facchinelli wrote:
> Helius,
> lo use en ambiente Win y Linux y funciona en ambos de pelos .
> La configuracion es bastante sencilla , tanto del server como del cliente
> Inclusive la documentacion es bastante buena
> Saludos
> Luciano
> 2012/6/20 Helius Ferreira <helius at adinet.com.uy
> <mailto:helius at adinet.com.uy>>
>     Alguien esta usando "ocsinventory"..???
>     ocsinventory
>      Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation is an
>     application
>      designed to help a network or system administrator keep track of the
>      computers configuration and software that are installed on the
>     network.
>      .
>      Information about Hardware and Operating System are collected.
>      OCS Inventory is also able to detect all active devices on your
>     network,  such as switch, router, network printer and unattended
>     devices. It also allows deploying softwares, commands or files on
>     client
>     computers.
>      .
>      This package contains the 'Communication Server' part.
>      Note that this is the XML-RPC/SOAP server, not the web interface
>     (which
>     is provided in the ocsinventory-reports package).
>     Homepage: http://www.ocsinventory-ng.org/
>     Un abrazo, helius
>     Desde ya muchas gracias por las respuestas y observaciones sobre este
>     Open source..!!
>     --
>     Quem semeia e-mails, colhe SPAM!
>     ----------------------------------------------------
>      "Não deixe que a saudade sufoque, que a rotina acomode, que o medo
>     impeça de tentar. Desconfie do destino e acredite em você. Gaste mais
>     horas realizando que sonhando, fazendo que planejando, vivendo que
>     esperando, porque, embora quem quase morre esteja vivo, quem quase
>     vive já morreu."  (Luiz Fernando Veríssimo)
>     ---
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Guillermo Lisi

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