[Ubuntu-UY] Procesamiento de la lista
Eduardo Ricobaldi
eduardor en ubuntu.org.uy
Lun Jul 9 15:29:24 UTC 2012
El 06/07/12 13:09, Marcelo Wilko escribió:
> en hotmail para contestar a la lista hay que poner: RESPONDER A TODOS
> (recien me doy cuenta)
Al fin encuentro la explicación, y es correcto también para GMail, para
usar correctamente una lista, hay que responder a todos.
Creo que como es una "novedad" debería haber una nota en cada mail o
cuando uno se suscribe.
/2.1.2 Reply-To header munging/
/This section controls what happens to the Reply-To: headers of messages
posted through your list. /
/Beware! Reply-To: munging is considered a religious issue and the
policies you set here can ignite some of the most heated off-topic flame
wars on your mailing lists. We'll try to stay as agnostic as possible,
but our biases may still peak through. /
/Reply-To: is a header that is commonly used to redirect replies to
messages. Exactly what happens when your uses reply to such a message
depends on the mail readers your users use, and what functions they
provide. Usually, there is both a ``reply to sender'' button and a
``reply to all'' button. If people use these buttons correctly, you will
probably never need to munge Reply-To:, so the default values should be
fine. /
/Since an informed decision is always best, here are links to two
articles that discuss the opposing viewpoints in great detail: /
* /Reply-To Munging Considered Harmful
* /Reply-To Munging Considered Useful
Eduardo Ricobaldi
Consejo Ubuntu Uruguay
Enviado desde Ubuntu Linux - 11.04 Natty Narwhal
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