[Ubuntu-UY] Ubuntu Spyware: What to Do?

Lailah lailahfsf en gmail.com
Mar Dic 11 00:40:41 UTC 2012

No entiendo por qué tanto escándalo....   Alcanza con no usar Unity.

Además, entiendo la preocupación por la privacidad y eso pero...  Muchas
aplicaciones de celular son más invasivas, Facebook es por lejos más
impertinente, e incluso muchas empresas comparten entre sí información
de los clientes a ojos vista.
¿Y les preocupa lo que hace Ubuntu con un solo escritorio?  Ni siquiera
es algo inamovible, que yo sepa se puede apagar esa opción.


El dom, 09-12-2012 a las 13:10 -0200, Pablo Rubianes escribió:

> Con todo el respeto que le podría llegar a tener a Stallman estoy 100%
> con Jono Bacon
> http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/12/07/on-richard-stallman-and-ubuntu/ 
> Saludos
> El 09/12/2012 08:00, "Federico Kouyoumdjian" <fedekp en autistici.org>
> escribió:
>         http://www.fsf.org/blogs/rms/ubuntu-spyware-what-to-do
>          One of the major advantages of free software is that the
>         community protects users from malicious software. Now Ubuntu
>         GNU/Linux has become a counterexample. What should we do?
>         One of the major advantages of free software is that the
>         community protects users from malicious software. Now Ubuntu
>         GNU/Linux has become a counterexample. What should we do?
>         Proprietary software is associated with malicious treatment of
>         the user: surveillance code, digital handcuffs (DRM or Digital
>         Restrictions Management) to restrict users, and back doors
>         that can do nasty things under remote control. Programs that
>         do any of these things are malware and should be treated as
>         such. Widely used examples include Windows, the iThings, and
>         the Amazon "Kindle" product for virtual book burning, which do
>         all three; Macintosh and the Playstation III which impose DRM;
>         most portable phones, which do spying and have back doors;
>         Adobe Flash Player, which does spying and enforces DRM; and
>         plenty of apps for iThings and Android, which are guilty of
>         one or more of these nasty practices.
>         Free software gives users a chance to protect themselves from
>         malicious software behaviors. Even better, usually the
>         community protects everyone, and most users don't have to move
>         a muscle. Here's how.
>         Once in a while, users who know programming find that a free
>         program has malicious code. Generally the next thing they do
>         is release a corrected version of the program; with the four
>         freedoms that define free software (see
>         http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html), they are free to
>         do this. This is called a "fork" of the program. Soon the
>         community switches to the corrected fork, and the malicious
>         version is rejected. The prospect of ignominious rejection is
>         not very tempting; thus, most of the time, even those who are
>         not stopped by their consciences and social pressure refrain
>         from putting malfeatures in free software.
>         But not always. Ubuntu, a widely used and influential
>         GNU/Linux distribution, has installed surveillance code. When
>         the user searches her own local files for a string using the
>         Ubuntu desktop, Ubuntu sends that string to one of Canonical's
>         servers. (Canonical is the company that develops Ubuntu.)
>         This is just like the first surveillance practice I learned
>         about in Windows. My late friend Fravia told me that when he
>         searched for a string in the files of his Windows system, it
>         sent a packet to some server, which was detected by his
>         firewall. Given that first example I paid attention and
>         learned about the propensity of "reputable" proprietary
>         software to be malware. Perhaps it is no coincidence that
>         Ubuntu sends the same information.
>         Ubuntu uses the information about searches to show the user
>         ads to buy various things from Amazon. Amazon commits many
>         wrongs (see http://stallman.org/amazon.html); by promoting
>         Amazon, Canonical contributes to them. However, the ads are
>         not the core of the problem. The main issue is the spying.
>         Canonical says it does not tell Amazon who searched for what.
>         However, it is just as bad for Canonical to collect your
>         personal information as it would have been for Amazon to
>         collect it.
>         People will certainly make a modified version of Ubuntu
>         without this surveillance. In fact, several GNU/Linux distros
>         are modified versions of Ubuntu. When those update to the
>         latest Ubuntu as a base, I expect they will remove this.
>         Canonical surely expects that too.
>         Most free software developers would abandon such a plan given
>         the prospect of a mass switch to someone else's corrected
>         version. But Canonical has not abandoned the Ubuntu spyware.
>         Perhaps Canonical figures that the name "Ubuntu" has so much
>         momentum and influence that it can avoid the usual
>         consequences and get away with surveillance.
>         Canonical says this feature searches the Internet in other
>         ways. Depending on the details, that might or might not make
>         the problem bigger, but not smaller.
>         Ubuntu allows users to switch the surveillance off. Clearly
>         Canonical thinks that many Ubuntu users will leave this
>         setting in the default state (on). And many may do so, because
>         it doesn't occur to them to try to do anything about it. Thus,
>         the existence of that switch does not make the surveillance
>         feature ok.
>         Even if it were disabled by default, the feature would still
>         be dangerous: "opt in, once and for all" for a risky practice,
>         where the risk varies depending on details, invites
>         carelessness. To protect users' privacy, systems should make
>         prudence easy: when a local search program has a network
>         search feature, it should be up to the user to choose network
>         search explicitly each time. This is easy: all it takes is to
>         have separate buttons for network searches and local searches,
>         as earlier versions of Ubuntu did. A network search feature
>         should also inform the user clearly and concretely about who
>         will get what personal information of hers, if and when she
>         uses the feature.
>         If a sufficient part of our community's opinion leaders view
>         this issue in personal terms only, if they switch the
>         surveillance off for themselves and continue to promote
>         Ubuntu, Canonical might get away with it. That would be a
>         great loss to the free software community.
>         We who present free software as a defense against malware do
>         not say it is a perfect defense. No perfect defense is known.
>         We don't say the community will deter malware without fail.
>         Thus, strictly speaking, the Ubuntu spyware example doesn't
>         mean we have to eat our words.
>         But there's more at stake here than whether some of us have to
>         eat some words. What's at stake is whether our community can
>         effectively use the argument based on proprietary spyware. If
>         we can only say, "free software won't spy on you, unless it's
>         Ubuntu," that's much less powerful than saying, "free software
>         won't spy on you."
>         It behooves us to give Canonical whatever rebuff is needed to
>         make it stop this. Any excuse Canonical offers is inadequate;
>         even if it used all the money it gets from Amazon to develop
>         free software, that can hardly overcome what free software
>         will lose if it ceases to offer an effective way to avoid
>         abuse of the users.
>         If you ever recommend or redistribute GNU/Linux, please remove
>         Ubuntu from the distros you recommend or redistribute. If its
>         practice of installing and recommending nonfree software
>         didn't convince you to stop, let this convince you. In your
>         install fests, in your Software Freedom Day events, in your
>         FLISOL events, don't install or recommend Ubuntu. Instead,
>         tell people that Ubuntu is shunned for spying.
>         While you're at it, you can also tell them that Ubuntu
>         contains nonfree programs and suggests other nonfree programs.
>         (See http://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.html.) That
>         will counteract the other form of negative influence that
>         Ubuntu exerts in the free software community: legitimizing
>         nonfree software.
>         Copyright 2012 Richard Stallman
>         Released under the Creative Commons Attribution Noderivatives
>         3.0 license
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