[utah-devel] UTAH weekly catch-up minutes

Joe Talbott joe.talbott at canonical.com
Wed Sep 5 14:44:47 UTC 2012

# Wed 05 Sep 2012 10:01:07 AM EDT Joe Talbott <joe.talbott at canonical.com>

  Javier Collado
  Joe Talbott
  Max Brustkern
  James Page


    * test case migration
      - need features to be implemented
        * live cd
    * merge requests
      - found cobbler issues, might be knowledge based
    * man pages
    * preseed parsing improvements

    * need to review loggers
    * default runlist.

    * dashboard work

    * PES autopilot tests
      - Cobbler issues
    * arm provisioning

    * still need better debugging for failed testcases.
      - Max recommended the stable version

    * reworking test cases based on not needing to provision a machine each time.
      - https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/utah/server-tests-quantal

    * need more feedback during execution.


  Javier and Joe discussed and decided on handling 'run_as' in the client.

  Javier will implement adding passwordless sudo access to the 'utah' user
  and having the 'utah' user sudo as the given user for each testcase.

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