[utah-devel] tslist.run confusion

Joe Talbott joe.talbott at canonical.com
Tue Oct 9 17:33:55 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Max opened a bug this morning that brought up a point of confusion
regarding the tslist.run file.  We accept 'command' at the top-level of
a test entry.  I.e.

- test: blah
  command: echo blah

But we also accept 'overrides' which can contain anything a tc_control
file can contain including command. I.e.

- test: blah
    timeout: 10
	command: echo overridden blah
	tc_setup: echo overridden tc_setup

This is confusing.  I see two options.

1. don't allow 'command' at the top-level of a test entry.

    1. easy to implement
	2. removes a bit of the confusion
    1. 'overrides' is redundant and I think ideally we'd allow any
	tc_control option at the top-level of a test entry

2. move 'overrides' entries to top-level

    1. simplifies file structure for testsuite/case authors
	2. even less confusing
    1. more difficult to implement since we need to basically use the
	tc_control file schema plus the test entry.
	2. having a section named 'overrides' clearly shows that the entries
	override something (hopefully it's obvious that tc_control entries
	are being overridden).



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