[utah-devel] UTAH 0.6 Uploaded

Max Brustkern max.brustkern at canonical.com
Tue Dec 11 21:10:41 UTC 2012

We've tested the current development version of UTAH, which provides a 
number of enhancements and fixes, and merged it into the trunk.  A new 
package build has been requested for the stable PPA, which should be 
ready within the next few hours.

To support additional packages using utah functionality, a utah-common 
package has been added as a dependency of utah-client (and thus the main 
utah package as well.)  apt-get dist-upgrade shout automatically resolve 
this, but the dev team can assist with any upgrade issues that may occur.

The default database name for storing physical machine information has 
been changed from .utah-cobbler-inventory to .utah-baremetal-inventory.  
I've symlinked these together in the lab to avoid issues during the 
upgrade, and if anyone has questions or runs into upgrade errors, please 
file a bug or talk to me.

A full list of changes is available in the the changelog in the branch 
and the package.  Please file bugs for any issues you encounter, and ask 
the dev team if you have any questions.


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