[utah-devel] timeout changes

Joe Talbott joe.talbott at canonical.com
Wed Aug 8 21:28:34 UTC 2012

Test case timeout processing has changed.  As we discussed, a timeout in
a master.run file will now be the timeout for all testcases included in
the master.run file.  This means a timeout is not mandatory in the
tc_control or ts_control files anymore.  A timeout in a tc_control file
will be the default unless it's overridden.  A timeout in a ts_control
file will override all the timeouts for the testcases in that testsuite.
A timeout in master.run will override the timeout for all testsuites and
as such all testcases.

I've also changed the layout of the 'overrides' section of the
tslist.run file.  It was formerly an array of single item objects, i.e.

  - timeout: 1
  - build_cmd: ./build.sh

That didn't make much sense to me so I converted it to an object, i.e.

  timeout: 1
  build_cmd: ./build.sh

These changes are all included in revision 610 of utah/dev.


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