2015/08/09 0:58 "Jonesy" <<a href="mailto:SPAM_TRAP_gmane@jonz.net">SPAM_TRAP_gmane@jonz.net</a>>:<br>
> On Sat, 8 Aug 2015 09:44:15 -0600, compdoc wrote:<br>
> >>would...hackers be able to hack into my home desktop computer again?<br>
> ><br>
> > ...<br>
> > 4) If you have drawn the attention of your government, you might want to<br>
> > rethink your life.</p>
<p>Mostly, rethink why you care, and why you should care. And how you care.</p>
<p>Maybe change some of the things you do. If you care in that way.</p>
<p>> Or, rethink your domicile.</p>
<p>Where do you suggest this guy should live?</p>
<p>Software does change a little when you cross borders, and so do the opponents in the game. But the opponents and the vulnerabilities don't go away, they only change. </p>
<p>Sometimes change can be helpful, sometimes not.</p>
<p>So, where do you suggest this guy should move?</p>
<p>Joel Rees</p>
<p>Computer memory is just fancy paper,<br>
CPUs just fancy pens.<br>
All is a stream of text<br>
flowing from the past into the future.<br>