<p dir="ltr"><br>
On Aug 22, 2014 12:20 PM, "Knute Johnson" <<a href="mailto:ubuntu@knutejohnson.com">ubuntu@knutejohnson.com</a>> wrote:<br>
> So I was trying to clean up my /var/log directory and remove some of the older .gz files and I mistyped the rm command and erased all the files. Now logwatch doesn't send me an email any more, I'm assuming because there are no log files any more. I thought they would just regenerate themselves but the base file must have to be there before the services write to the logs. Is there a script or some simple way to recreate the base files?<br>
<p dir="ltr">Probably because the inodes are still allocated. Try to restart rsyslog (or whatever it is your syslog utility).</p>
<p dir="ltr">Log files are created on demand.</p>
<p dir="ltr">..C..<br>