I have upgraded Ubuntu 11.10 (amd64) to 12.04 (amd64) on one of the laptops I have,<div>I have another laptop which is also running 11.10 (amd64) I want to use the packages downloaded on the first laptop on the second </div>
<div>laptop so that both have Ubuntu 12.04 </div><div> I checked on first laptop (now running 12.04 ) downloaded upgrades are residing in /var/cache/apt/archives I</div><div> have done an sftp for those packages from laptop 1 to laptop 2.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Now what I want to know is how do I make sure do-release-upgrade uses these in my laptop and does not downloads </div><div>700 mb of updates because this will take 8-10 hours at my end so I want to utilize the upgrades which were downloaded during the upgrade process</div>
<div>on one of the systems.</div><div>If there is a way in this situation let me know.<br clear="all"><div><br></div>-- <br>-------------------------<br><br>Abhi