Hi All,<br><br>I am wondering if anyone can point me to a "best practice" guide for setting up my company web server..<br><br>The
basics are that I am setting up an Ubuntu 10.04 web server on a VPS
hosted on the internet.. The server will run our internal web based
applications and database being accessible from all our business
locations.. It will also at some point in the future host the company
website with a customer portal so customers can manage their
requirements themselves (in other words the site will link to the
company database on the server)..<br>
<br>In addition to this I want to setup a development site for continued
development and testing of the applications and website that can then
be copied to the live site when testing is complete..<br><br>Setting up
the Ubuntu box and using "tasksel" to create the LAMP server is easy
enough.. What I am looking at more specifically is setting up the
virtual hosts for the various sites..<br>
<br>Is it recommended to create user accounts for each function, i.e
apps, web and dev, and then setup a public_html directory in each home
directory and get apache to serve the files from there? or should I just
create subdirectories of /var/www and put them all there to avoid
problems running the sites (permissions etc.. )??<br>
<br>Any suggestions or things to look out for would be appreciated..<br>