<p>True that... given the nature of notebooks there is so much that could happen to them (dropped, soaked, lost, etc) that a failed hard disk is most likely the least of your concerns... you should have regular backups anyway to protect your data.</p>
<p>On 2 Aug 2010 22:14, "Peter Hillier-Brook" <<a href="mailto:phb@hbsys.plus.com">phb@hbsys.plus.com</a>> wrote:<br type="attribution">> On 02/08/2010 20:54, Terry Talim wrote:<br>>> Hi, I tried dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu about 6 months ago and<br>
>> I could not get it to work. GRUB kept failing and I couldn't figure<br>>> out why. Many people helped me along my quest (thanks to all of them)<br>>> and I have come to a conclusion but I would like some last advice.<br>
>><br>>> I have a Sony VAIO with two hard drives that were automatically<br>>> configured in RAID by the manufacturer. I used the ubuntu live cd to<br>>> try and install my dual boot, and this is why it failed.<br>
>><br>>> I've been told I need to use the alt installation, which will be<br>>> compatible with RAID.<br>>><br>>> The advice I was given leaves me with two choices, and I'd like your<br>
>> opinion on what you think is best for a beginner.<br>>><br>>> Option 1: Dual boot over the RAID using the "alt install" for<br>>> ubuntu.<br>>><br>>> Option 2: Disable the RAID, install W7 and Ubuntu on one drive, and<br>
>> use the second drive as a data disk.<br>>><br>>> If you have some input please let me know, thanks in advance for the<br>>> advice.<br>> <br>> I find that Windows on one disk and Ubuntu on the other is a good <br>
> configuration. Several different machines have been trouble-free this <br>> way. Personally I wouldn't use RAID with just 2 disks, especially on a <br>> notebook.<br>> <br>> Peter HB<br>> <br>> -- <br>
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