Hello Ubuntuusers,<br><br>I'd like to set up a Webserver (Apache) within a DNS-Server.<br><br>I'd like to create my own namespace (just for this small subnet) and give around 10 people webspace.<br><br>It's possible, that I haven't understood DNS, but how can send a DNS-Query into a sub-directory?<br>
<br>Example:<br><br><a href="http://user1.test.com">user1.test.com</a> ==> /var/www/user1/index.html<br><a href="http://user2.test.com">user2.test.com</a> ==> /var/www/user2/index.html<br>...<br><a href="http://user10.test.com">user10.test.com</a> ==> /var/www/user10/index.html<br>
<br>My status now:<br><br><a href="http://test.com">test.com</a> ==> ==> /var/www/index.html ==> It works.<br><br><br>How do I link DNS to a directory and not to an IP?<br><br><br>Best greetings<br><br>