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Hey there<div><br></div><div>I am going to start right off. A cuople of days ago i tried to reboot my computer using Windows proffesional, i lready had it insatlled, but it was so slow and i had so much shit on it that i wanted to reboot it, it was to slow. but then, instead of rebooting my computer, it just installed it, so i have 2 obrtive symstems on my computer. But then i figured, why not use ubuntu? ive heard of it and its supposed to be great. So i read a bit bout it and i liked it. I burnt it onto a CD disk and when i inserted the disk, restarted the computer, the ubunto didnt come up on the list, so i kept on and chose the opertaing system i had before. Then in my computer, i opened the CD and looked inside (virtually of course =D). Then i looked into the file autorun, and saw that it was supposed to open the file wubi.exe, so i opened the file and a window pops up. i wanted ubunto to reboot my system and had read that i should select "use the whole harddirve" or sofething like that, but there was no uch option, so i kept on going. then i instaleed and so on, but i wanted it to REBOOT! When i choose ubuntu from the list of OS i think its rather slow ( due to my 512 mb RAM and 70 gb hard drive!) so i go off inot my other OS and delete some files. i restart the computer and when i try to open ubuntu it says: File missing or damaged <C:/Windows/system32.exe> but i never even went inot that folder, and wierdest of all, i can still run windows?!! Please help me before i mess things up more! </div> <br /><hr />Ladda ner nya Internet Explorer 8! <a href='http://windowslive.se.msn.com/wl/downloads' target='_new'>Ladda ner nya Internet Explorer 8!</a></body>