<font color='black' size='2' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'>Doug wrote:<br>
Art, all... is it really a wine(whine) to expect Ubuntu *NETBOOK* Remix to work with my OEM *NETBOOK*? Hardware I'm using is BUILT into this NETBOOK.<br>
Art wrote:<br>
Actually, I'd say Yes. There is such a variety of hardware sourced into different manufacturers equipment, it's impossible to keep up with it all. You think Microsoft does? Ha! If the video or wifi or sound card manufacturers weren't writing the software for Microsoft, half of what's out there wouldn't work. Trying doing a generic XP install instead of an OEM install,<br>
Doug writes:<br>
...wait a minute now, not fair to use XP as the example... more like doing a generic install with the latest, Windows 7 vs Ubuntu 9.10 head to head, which OS would have support for my Acer Aspire One 3G... I'd bet money Windows 7 worked right out of the box. But I don't have Windows 7 & I'm not going to buy a copy so I can prove me point. I'd love to know the answer.<br>
Art wrote:<br>
and you'll find out quickly enough how much doesn't work, just like the 3g stuff isn't working out of the box now. It would take Qualcomm delivering a driver to Ubuntu to match what you get with an OEM Microsoft install.<br>
Doug writes:<br>
Hold on there... aren't I supposed to use the (glad I took notes) qcserial driver (<--which BTW I found "qcserial.c" in a tar.bz2 I downloaded NOT included in UNR 9.10 upgrade). Doesn't that mean we already HAVE the right driver?? Remember Art "Gobi Loader", the web site you told me about http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/gobi_loader. If the driver exists... now what? How come I'm having all this brain damage with UNR 9.10? I'm missing something here. Magic was supposed to happen & it didn't.<br>
Doug wrote:<br>
Also I did all the research about this issue before sans whining... I'm having to do it ALL OVER AGAIN after "updating" (booting XP & loading the firmware then booting into UNR is not working in 9.10 for me now).<br>
Art wrote:<br>
Now *that's* useful info to know, and makes me even slower to upgrade. <br>
Sorry you had to be the one to find out!<br>
Doug writes:<br>
I don't know exactly how, but I got it working again. A LOT of trail & error, I finally got it working. I used the original E-mails of yours Art & kept at it. If you get stuck, I can give you hope you'll get it eventually cause I did, but I'm not sure what I did! <br>
I wrote:<br>
Art, you helped me get this going with a work around. I let it go at that since the next edition of UNR surely would fix this, 3G, being the 3rd generation... this technology has been around some time now. Come to find out there is still no 3G support for my OEM NETBOOK with Ubuntu NETBOOK Remix.<br>
Art wrote:<br>
Give it some time, I'll bet somebody will figure it out.<br>
Doug writes:<br>
Someone already has. You gave me the web site Art. In fact I bet if you pull "qcserial.c" out of a tar.bz2 & UNDERSTAND instructions here: http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/gobi_loader (the help I need is understanding) you could get it going on UNR 9.04. Doesn't say you MUST have kernels 2.6.30 and later, the author says kernels 2.6.30 and later INCLUDES qcserial.c except mine did NOT contain qcserial.c which is a question I'd love to have an answer to.<br>
Doug wrote:<br>
It's laughable to think Linux is going to actually catch on if this is everyone's position: "You paid nothing". YOU'RE MAKING THE POINT FOR PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE!<br>
Art wrote:<br>
Actually, I think I'm making the point for paid support, not proprietary software. And I believe Ubuntu offers such support now. Maybe you should investigate it. <br>
Doug writes:<br>
I stand corrected. Good point. VERY big difference in paying someone to help you with F.O.S.S. which is actually a GOOD thing. <br>
Art wrote:<br>
When I see people making 3g work with 9.10, and get it working myself, then I'll be glad to share how, if nobody else already has.<br>
Doug writes: <br>
That web site, "Gobi Loader" am I missing something, or is that not the answer? I'm just not able to understand the instructions!<br>
Art wrote: <br>
Speaking of doing research properly, what did you do before you upgraded to be reasonably comfortable that 3g would work on 9.10.<br>
Doug writes: <br>
Actually if I had read carefully, I'd have been trying the Gobi Loader with the qcserial.c driver pulled out of kernel 2.6.30 & tried to get it to work in 9.04. I read another web page that had some info on another netbook with a similar situation.<br>
Art wrote:<br>
Or did you just shove the CD in and upgrade away, assuming it would work?<br>
Doug writes:<br>
I did an in-place upgrade & thought everything would work out cause you Art YOU SAID this issue was addressed in 9.10. See it's really all your fault! <big grin> Magic was supposed to happen & didn't.<br>
Art wrote:<br>
And I don't want any Linux vs. Microsoft here, because the same thing happened between XP and Vista, and is going on now with W7. <br>
Doug writes:<br>
I "heard" problems with Vista, but never had any myself or ever had to address one for a friend. I don't know about W7 but I'll bet my 3G would work!<br>
Art wrote:<br>
Did you do a live boot with 9.10 and see what would happen? I did, and when I didn't see 3g automatically show up, I decided that was as far as I was going until I knew what it would take to make it work.<br>
Doug writes:<br>
No... I clicked on the upgrade, waited 4 hours & did an in-place upgrade. I figured I'd just go for it & if everything didn't work out, boot into XP & whine & bitch. There I admit it.<br>
Art wrote: <br>
And I'm still asking questions, of anybody with experience willing to take the time to answer. At least the wifi worked off the live boot. That wasn't always the case.<br>
Doug writes:<br>
OHHHHH you would have heard some REAL whinning if I had to plug in. No way.</font>