<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><P>I cannot see any older or new file/folder in the Desktop folder,this began with</P><P>Gnome but I installed KDE and the same happens.This does not happen with the</P><P>file browsers in Gnome/KDE or the Terminal(bash),so this is a GUI problem.</P><P>I suspect it began after a crash with Power Management and the computer put</P><P>to sleep(the computer could not return back from sleep and I needed to turn it off,curiously this only happens with Ubuntu on an external USB HDD-with Ubuntu on the internal SSD only a black screen with some warnings appears for 2/3 seconds and the computer right after returns normally from sleep-).</P><P><BR></P><P>Note: I can temporalily(one session) see again the files and folders in Desktop folder,with a trick(desktop switch to netbook mode,and then back to classic</P><P>mode)but if I turn the computer off in the next session
the problem remains the same.Perhaps I will fill a bug report if no one knows how to solve the problem.</P><P><BR></P><P>Dell Mini9 netbook,Ubuntu UNR 9.04 on an internal SSD drive and on an external HDD.</P><P><BR></P><P><BR></P><P> Thanks.</P></td></tr></table><br>