<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'>"What is the laptop in question: make & model."<br><br>The laptop is a Dell Latitude D630<br><br>"2) I too recently have noticed that some versions of flash are to new on <br>some sites and I cant play them. All the normal sites though like <br>YouTube and news sites I can access. How did you install flash? And did <br>you install FLASH or the open source version of it?"<br><br>In all honesty I lost track as to how many programs said they were flash. I did turn on that restricted thing and installed those. <br>Flash seems to work but it gets iffy. Youtube works..ytmnd somewhat does so it really does seem to depend as to the site itself<br>That reminds me of issues I have with my ISP as apparently not all browsers allow me to login. I tend to switch<br>between opera and firefox<br><br>"4) Yahoo on pidgin works great and then its down - but that is Yahoo's <br>deal - not pidgin.<br><br>QQ?? What is that."<br><br>QQ is a im program that's extreamly popular in china. I know people there and that's what they are used to. It has some features that are pretty interesting<br>one allows you to cut and past graphics rather than just text (instead of the old print screen and then going to paint and then sending etc)<br>The other reason for them to use it is not all of the providers in the usa operate in china (the size and scope of the blocking software<br>is odd. one area I could get to my isp another one I couldn't..no rhyme or reason...hense why QQ became huge there)<br><br>"Stick to the 32bit version.<br><br>You didnt say but, if you arent, use the lately LTS version of Ubuntu."<br><br>9.04 is what I'm using I think it's a LTS one. My laptop is the primary computer I use. If the home one dies out I guess that can be ok<br>(the monitor is actually older and doesn't help) worse comes to worse maybe I'll get a all in one pc and put ubuntu on it.<br></div></body></html>