Most of the problems you refer to can actually be fixed. I had a few similar issues on my old Toshiba (of course I am a hypocrite because I just bought myself a mac) and I stubbornly fixed them and found workaround programs. Of course I used vi as a note taking app and I suppose few will find it to their liking :)<br>
<br>Dual monitor with nvidia is with twinview (uses xinerama too if I remember correctly). That should be fairly easy to setup or fix.<br><br>As far as battery life, power management tools need a little looking into depending on each hardware implementation. Google is your friend.<br>
<br>However, just to clarify that I don't want to sound like that classic sales guy that has you as his customer but refuses to let you go and tries to find a way to keep you (see above), I wouldn't know the first thing about uninstalling Ubuntu (been a Linux user for 10 years and never actually thought about uninstalling).<br>
<br>I suppose you can delete the partition and rewrite the MBR with a bootloader of your choice. You can even use GRUB if you like. I do however know that if you want to revert back to vista's or XP's bootloader if you are using either as a default operating system, you would have to boot from the CD and use fixboot and fixmbr (these are commandline tools on the XP and Vista CDs) in order to rewrite the MBR.<br>
<br>Regards,<br>Mario<br><br>P.S The mac I mentioned above runs Ubuntu... ;) So maybe Im not that much of a hypocrite after all.<br><br>