Greetings everyone,<br><br>I've been using Kile to work with Latex but i have this issue: i cannot view accents. <br><br>I originally was working in Windows with Winedit but then i copy the .tex file and a whole bunch in Ubuntu b/c it's easier for me to work in Linux but i get the problem mentioned before. In the .tex file wherever i have accents i get a black dot with a "?" on it, and when i develop the PDF file i get weird symbols where the accents suppose to be. I need accents b/c im working in spanish.<br>
<br>I also downloaded texmaker and i get the same problem.<br><br>I searched online and some people suggested that it maybe a kde-gnome problem, but im not sure if this is my problem. Dont know if im missing any packages.<br>
I also tried changing my keyboard configuration and my languages support but that didn't work.<br><br>Hope someone can help me! Thanxs!<br>-- <br>A day without sunshine is like, you know...night.<br>