<div>Ubuntu help,</div>I recently installed ubuntu with VMware (parallel processing software) on a MAC.<div><br></div><div>I was not asked to submit a username or password. I am now unable to log unto ubuntu?</div><div><br>
</div><div>Where can I set the username and password?<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Jonathan Wynn Smith<br>Doctoral Student in Howard University<br> Program in Atmospheric Science (HUPAS)<br><br>408 Thirkield Building<br>2355 6th St. NW<br>
Washington, DC 20059<br>336-601-4563 (cell)<br><a href="mailto:jw_smith@howard.edu">jw_smith@howard.edu</a> (e-mail)<br><br>Graduate Student Visitors Program Participant<br>National Centers for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)/<br>
Atmospheric Chemistry Division (ACD)<br><br><br>