<pre class="screen">Package: installation-reports<br><br>Boot method: CD<br>Image version: ubuntu-8.10-server-powerpc.iso<br>Date: Mon May 4 13:53:09 CDT 2009<br><br>Machine: PowerMac G5<br>Processor:G5 quadcore<br>Memory:<br>
Partitions: <df -Tl will do; the raw partition table is preferred><br><br>Output of lspci -nn and lspci -vnn:<br><br>Base System Installation Checklist:<br>[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it<br>
<br>Initial boot: [O]<br>Detect network card: [ ]<br>Configure network: [ ]<br>Detect CD: [E]<br>Load installer modules: [ ]<br>Detect hard drives: [ ]<br>Partition hard drives: [ ]<br>
Install base system: [ ]<br>Clock/timezone setup: [ ]<br>User/password setup: [ ]<br>Install tasks: [ ]<br>Install boot loader: [ ]<br>Overall install: [ ]<br><br>Comments/Problems:<br><br>Detection of the CD-ROM drive fails. I can verify using /proc/devices that the<br>
block device ide0 exists, but I cannot find it in /dev. I can see from dmesg<br>and also from /proc/ide/ide0 that this device is the cdrom. Without a /dev entry,<br>I cannot get the installer to manually recognize this device. What should I give<br>
to the installer manually to make it recognize the CD-ROM? Also, the cdrom kernel<br>module is loaded.<br><br> Thanks,<br><br> Matt<br></pre>-- <br>What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.<br>
-- Norbert Wiener<br>