When upgrading the linux-image package, I missed completely a dialog screen, and when I reinstalled, it didn't show up a second time. <br><br>/boot/grub/menu.lst does not reflect this kernel, so I had to edit that file by hand. Ok. That's done. The kernel boots.<br>
<br>However, I am unable to access the internet with the wireless card, because there has been no update to the madwifi or atheros drivers. Since I cannot get on line with that kernel, I am pretty much lost as far as anything I can do to upgrade linux-restricted-modules. I assume the driver is included in that package, or that somehow that package downloads the drivers, etc.<br>
<br>I haven't found any explanation of what is happening. There isn't a corresponding linuxirestricted-modules paCKAGE FOR THE NEWER KERNEL IMAGE, THAT i CAN TELL. Can someone point the way?<br><br>Alan<br><br>