Hello,<br><br>I am trying to install Intel C/C++ compilers and threads tools on Ubuntu 8.10. Although I <br>have installed ia32-libs on my machine, Still I get the following message from installation<br>script,<br><br>Please type a selection: 1<br>
./.././data/install_cc.sh: line 3133: rpm: command not found<br><br>The installation program was not able to detect the IA-32 version of the following libraries installed : <br>libstdc++<br>libgcc<br>glibc<br><br>Without these libraries, the compiler will not function properly.<br>
These libraries, if not installed, can be installed from<br>the OS discs after finishing the compiler installation.<br>Please refer to Release Notes for more information.<br><br>Does synpatic tool install ia32-libs in some non-standard path ?<br>