<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br>Yesterday I used chm2pdf to be able to read a document. I had this strange message rm: permission to /root and every other system folders. I answered no. Two folders (VzLinuz and Lost+found) denied permission but the others didn't. When it did that a second time I used control D to stop the process. I stopped it but the computer wasn't working anymore(it was frozen). I rebooted and use clamav to check for viruses and everything seems fine and is working now but I'd like to find out if there had been any changed to the system.<br>
I wasn't log as root but as normal user when it happened so I am wondering why all the system directory didn't denied permission as I thought it would.<br>My question now is how can I check if there was any change done to the system yesterday or if there was any hidden files installed.<br>
I am using Ubuntu 8.04.<br>Any help would be appreciated<br>thank you<br>Meg<br><br></div>