<div dir="ltr">Hello,<br><br>I just downloaded IBM lotus symphony from IBM site<br>and was trying to install on 64 bit machine.<br><br>Initially it was giving message that libstdc++5.so was<br>required. So I manually changed its library path in the<br>
*.bin file. <br><br>Everything went smoothly till end and I got the following messages: I am sure that I have the lastest<br>JRE and other JAVA Software on my machine.<br><br>Has somebody encountered this problem and was<br>
it solved ?<br><br>Thanks.<br><br><br><br>*****************************************************<br>Below are details about the features that failed to set up.<br>Unable to complete action for feature "Default Personality" due to errors.<br>
CWPIH0023E: Failure to install operation on feature com.ibm.rcp.personality.default.feature [java.lang.NullPointerException]<br>Unable to complete action for feature "Portal Support" due to errors.<br> CWPIH0023E: Failure to install operation on feature com.ibm.portal.feature [java.lang.NullPointerException]<br>
Unable to complete action for feature "com.ibm.productivity.tools.feature" due to errors.<br> CWPIH0023E: Failure to install operation on feature com.ibm.productivity.tools.feature [java.lang.NullPointerException]<br>