> I am trying to install PSPP (0.6.0) a statistics package in Ubuntu.<br>
> However, I can't even make it past the configure stage as I get as error<br>
> message reading "configure: error: C complier cannot create executable".<br>
I just went to install it, to see what you might have been seeing.<br>
I didn't see any configure step at all.<br>
Did you use apt-get, aptitude, or synaptic to install it?<br><br><b>John</b><br><br>Thanks for the help. I tried installing it earlier using synaptic. That didn't seem to work. No application appeared in the usual places (i.e. Applications drop down menu) and a search for PSPP on the file system revealed no executable files. So I tried installing it manually using the terminal. That is where I ran into the configure issue. Perhaps I am doing something wrong with the synaptic install. I've tried re-installing it several times but that doesn't seem to have any effect. Sorry if this is extremely rudimentary and I am missing the obvious. Once again, thanks for your help.<br>