Hi,<br>I'm french, sorry for my bad english.<br>The package gmail-notify has a bug (not corrected in Hardy with proposals repositories activated) : the popup isn't always at the good position and sometimes moves up much higher than it should.<br>
Looking at the source, it is just due to the function gtk.Window.get_size which doesn't always gives the actual size of the window (see <a href="http://www.pygtk.org/docs/pygtk/class-gtkwindow.html#method-gtkwindow--get-size">http://www.pygtk.org/docs/pygtk/class-gtkwindow.html#method-gtkwindow--get-size</a>)<br>
I corrected the code and it seems to work fine for me now.<br><br>I join the corrected code, and, if you prefer, there is the diff between the two versions (with the 1.6.1-3ubuntu2.1 version) : <br><br> $ diff notifier.py.old notifier.py<br>
<br>141,142c141,144<br>< self.window.resize(180,1) <br>< self.width, self.height = self.window.get_size()<br>---<br>> self.window.resize(180,1)<br>> self.sizex = 180<br>
> self.sizey = 1<br>> self.width, self.height = self.sizex, self.sizey<br>292a295<br>> self.sizey = 1<br>300d302<br>< currentsize=self.window.get_size()<br>303d304<br>
< sizey=currentsize[1]<br>305c306<br>< if sizey<2:<br>---<br>> if self.sizey<2:<br>309a311<br>> self.sizey = 1<br>315c317<br>< self.window.resize(180,sizey-2) <br>
---<br>> self.window.resize(180,self.sizey-2) <br>316a319<br>> self.sizey-=2<br>318c321<br>< if sizey<140:<br>---<br>> if self.sizey<140:<br>
320c323<br>< self.window.resize(180,sizey+2)<br>---<br>> self.window.resize(180,self.sizey+2)<br>321a325<br>> self.sizey+=2<br>324d327<br>< sizex=currentsize[0]<br>
<br>I send this correction here because `apt-cache show gmail-notify ' gave me this address.<br>I hope this can be useful to people, and possibly even be included in repositories.<br><br>Cordially<br><br>Guillaume Brunerie<br>