Hi Rich!<BR>
Yes!!! finaly i'm able to find out what's wrong i'm doing<BR>
now i'm able to download all my favourite apps directly from internet.<BR>
Actually, in add/remove software manager i have not set ie mark the web-address from where to download software.<BR>
now i have mark all sites, and done (now i'm using ubuntu-7.10-i386-desktop) <BR>
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 SPS Khokhar wrote :<BR>
>Hi Rich!<BR>
>Today i'v installed i386-desktop edition of ubuntu 7.10, as this distro work well on my friend's system when booted as LiveCD, ie all packages are avalaible that time,<BR>
>But when i installed it on my system, i again get same error:<BR>
>Canonical Ltd. provides technical support and security updates for Amarok<BR>
>Amarok cannot be installed on your computer type (i386). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.<BR>
>I cann't install:-<BR>
>Obex-bluetooth client/server<BR>
>Battle for Wesnoth<BR>
>and lot more... please help me<BR>
>On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 Rich Rudnick wrote :<BR>
> >SPS Khokhar wrote:<BR>
> > ><BR>
> > > Hi!<BR>
> > ><BR>
> > > I'v install ubuntu 7.10 on my desktop.<BR>
> > > When i tried to install anyother software from add/remove utility,<BR>
> > > following message displayed<BR>
> > ><BR>
> > > Canonical Ltd. provides technical support and security updates for<BR>
> > > Bluetooth Obex Server<BR>
> > > Bluetooth Obex Server cannot be installed on your computer type (amd64).<BR>
> > > Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor<BR>
> > > decided to not support your computer type.<BR>
> > ><BR>
> ><BR>
> >Ok, the apt-get -f install run says your package management is good.<BR>
> >Possibly it means exactly what it says, the obex server won't install on<BR>
> >64bit (strange in and of itself). Try searching for obex , and<BR>
> >unchecking any items that finds.<BR>
> ><BR>
>"Darkness of this UNIVERSE has many secrets."<BR>
><Hacking is an art, craking is offence.><BR>
"Darkness of this UNIVERSE has many secrets."
<Hacking is an art, craking is offence.><br><br>
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