Hello all. I recently tried to upgrade my java and in doing so have messed it up royally<br>I am using Ubuntu GG 7.10 and firefox 2.0.<br><br>The
problem started when I installed icedtea and i went to the test page
(after rebooting to be safe) and it kept reading the blackhawk 1.4.2
and telling my my software was too old to use certain java
applications. So I uninstalled icedtea thinking it didnt work,
reinstalled, got same problem, uninstalled, installed sunjava6, same
problem uninstalled and now i cannot install any java application
because it fails to install. I try and use synaptic and its says I am
need .jre in order for it to work, i check the .jre and it says i need
the .bin to work..etc and none install at all.<br>
<br>what do i do to get it back to square 1 apart from redoing everything (everything apart from java is fine)<br><br>thanks all<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>C. Ainsley Davis, Ph.D.<br>Post-Doctoral Fellow<br>Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br>
77 Massachusetts Ave<br>Dept. of Chemistry 56-546<br>Cambridge, MA 02139