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<font size="+2"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">I recently
used synaptic, from Ubuntu 7.10, and installed KDE 3.5 Desktop. It's
fantastic but having MS I've mostly lost the use of my right arm and
need to operate my Track Ball from the left. I make the System changes
and everything is fine until I reboot. On rebooting I get two messages
each time;<br>
.. The first informs me that my Preferences cannot be saved because
/home/<my log on>/kde/share/config/koonquerorrc is not writable.<br>
.. The second follows the same path up to /config/kickerrc and it has
the same problem.<br>
I went to my home file and from there created kde/share/config and
there created the two ending files and in permissions made them
writable. Still, I have the problem. Please, where did I go wrong?<br>