On 8/26/07, <b class="gmail_sendername">Vitaly Babiy</b> <<a href="mailto:VBabiy@verizon.net">VBabiy@verizon.net</a>> wrote:<div><span class="gmail_quote"></span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
Thanks for the reply,<br>is gtkpod good for downloading podcast.<br></blockquote></div><br>I use gtkpod. It does a good job of transferring/sync'ing music to and from the iPod. I do not subscribe to podcasts, but I don't think gtkpod has online podcast subscription/sync features.
<br><br>See this link for almost everything you need to know about using iPods with Ubuntu: <a href="http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103071">http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103071</a> <br><br>The following snippet taken from the above site:
<br><br><blockquote style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;" class="gmail_quote">
- Podcast Subscribing/Syncing -<br><br>
This feature is possible under Linux, however there is not one app that
does it all. In order to subscribe to a podcast, you need a Podcast
catcher tool, like iPodder. The iPodder software just keeps track of
all your podcast subscriptions and downloads new episodes. <a href="http://ipodder.sourceforge.net/" target="_blank">http://ipodder.sourceforge.net</a> (PROJECT HOMEPAGE). Once you have downloaded your podcasts, all that is left to do is to sync them with gtkpod.
*UPDATE* <br>
Amarok now supports Podcasts and Podcast syncing. If this is important to you, Amarok is worth checking out.<br></blockquote>
<br>There's also gtkpod's home page: <a href="http://www.gtkpod.org/about.html">http://www.gtkpod.org/about.html</a><br><br>HTH, <br><br>Jimmy<br>