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On Sat, 2007-11-08 at 18:46 -0700, NoOp wrote:
<FONT COLOR="#000000">> I updated from a local mirror of the whole ubuntu archive, not from</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">> disk. That cut out the middle-man step. ;)</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">And that last was probably how _you_ added it. The standard update</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">method (<A HREF="http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading">http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading</A>) cannot add ferm. I</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">doubt that even the manual method</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">(<A HREF="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgradesManual">https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgradesManual</A>) would do this</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">either. Neither of those use the universe repository</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">(<A HREF="http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/components">http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/components</A>).</FONT>
Sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Here was the procedure I followed in its entirety:
<LI TYPE=1 VALUE=1>rsync the entire repo.
<LI TYPE=1 VALUE=2>Use "copy:///path/to/local/repo blah blah blah" in sources.list.
<LI TYPE=1 VALUE=3>Run System -> Administration -> Update Manager
<LI TYPE=1 VALUE=4>Click on "Check" (to bring in the new lists of everything)
<LI TYPE=1 VALUE=5>Click on the button to upgrade to 7.04
Not once did I even *LOOK* at package names (except when the errors for wxwidgets 2.6 showed up). I just waited the minute or so it took to copy the files from the local repo and waited the 1.5 hours or so it took to install everything. Then I went into Synaptic and undid the damage done to wxwidgets (and upgraded that to 2.8 which didn't cause any problems).<BR>
Ferm appeared *NOWHERE* in the process. It didn't appear in any of the upgrade notices. It was nowhere near wxwidgets in Synaptic (so zero chance of having accidentally clicked on it to install). And it was not installed in Edgy:<BR>
<TT>michael@tristan:/mnt/backup/edgy/07-08-11_10:35:10/etc$ sudo find . -name "*ferm*"</TT><BR>
<TT>michael@tristan:/mnt/backup/edgy/07-08-11_10:35:10/etc$ cd /etc</TT><BR>
<TT>michael@tristan:/etc$ sudo find . -name "*ferm*"</TT><BR>
<TT>michael@tristan:/etc$ </TT><BR>
So how's this for a notion?: Instead of telling a user reporting a bug that it's "impossible", figure out why the "impossible" so very obviously happened.<BR>
-- <BR>
<B>Michael T. Richter</B> <<A HREF="mailto:ttmrichter@gmail.com">ttmrichter@gmail.com</A>> (<B>GoogleTalk:</B> ttmrichter@gmail.com)<BR>
<I>If there's one thing that computers do well, it's to make the same mistake uncountable times at inhuman speed. (Peter Coffee)</I>