Hello Ubuntu Developers, hello Linux Fans,<br><br>you might wonder why I address this mailing list with my problem.<br>And on first sight my points are off-topic on a developer mailing list.<br>But since I try to do work for the Linux and Ubuntu Community,
<br>and since care a lot for freedom _and_ privacy I want to address<br>all you people out there on this mailing list to have a look at my<br>problem.<br><br>Because the Ubuntu Project uses Freenode IRC as their official<br>
communication platform.<br><br>I cant speak for my own reputation on this list. Some people want<br>to see me as a troll. Some people want to spread stories about my<br>person. And I cant prevent them from doing that.<br>
<br>Especially if they are female and leading a chat network.<br><br>And I also dont want to achieve that I am able to visit Freenode<br>again after private conflicts with a few people.<br><br>What I do want is to express one serious problem with privacy.
<br><br>Before private conflicts happened on Freenode IRC I had plans<br>to run a project channel and to be able to register it I had to add<br>my phone number to my nickserv record. This phone number is<br>secret. It is not listed in any directory service. Only my parents,
<br>my doctor and my boss at work know this number.<br><br>To keep this phone number secret I used the nickserv settings<br>to hide it. Only senior staff members are able to look it up.<br><br>On #freenode-social I ran into an argue with a person called
<br>"trelane". This person got my secret phone number via private<br>message by Christel Dahlskjaer, the head of Freenode Staff.<br><br>You think this is not real?<br><br>I also had the feeling that I am part of a movie when I was called
<br>on the phone at 4 am by trelane, because he thought christel<br>gave him _her_ number.<br><br>You think christel accidently looked up my secret phone number<br>and accidently pasted it into the private chat window of that person
<br>who attacked me before on IRC?<br><br>Possible.<br><br>But here is the result when you try to contact Freenode Staff:<br><br>22:30 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with RichiH<br>22:30 <RichiH> hi<br>22:31 <RichiH> are you still here?
<br>22:32 <noria> hello<br>22:35 <RichiH> hi :)<br>22:35 <RichiH> i wanted to talk about the kline<br>22:35 <noria> ah<br>22:36 <RichiH> we do not discuss reasons for klines with third parties, so i can't tell you anything about the reasons why the other user was klined
<br>22:37 <RichiH> you were klined because from what you said and how you said it, it was very similar to the other user<br>22:37 <RichiH> the other one has been banned from using the network. a fact which he does not accept and tries to circumvent
<br>22:38 <noria> okay<br>22:38 <noria> but what he said is pretty scary<br>22:38 <noria> and he said he has proof<br>22:39 <RichiH> we do not give out private information<br>22:39 <RichiH> that applies to him as well as everyone else
<br>22:39 <noria> how can he have proof then that private information like his phone number was given out by christel?<br>22:40 <RichiH> i do not know and do not wish to speculate why he would claim such a thing
<br>22:40 <noria> somebody could have asked him instead of booting his arse<br>22:41 <noria> at least that is what i would do if i run a network like this<br>22:41 <noria> touching privacy is definetly a no go
<br>22:42 <RichiH> as i said, we do not give out private information<br>22:43 <noria> dude<br>22:43 <noria> trelane who attacked paddy has a private message in his chat log from christel with the phone number of paddy. and you are trying to tell me a story this is not reality?
<br>22:44 <noria> this phone number is secret and it is in no directory service anywhere<br>22:44 <noria> only added to nickserv<br>22:44 <noria> and only senior staff members can look it up<br>22:45 <noria> what kind of game are you trying to play here?
<br>22:49 <RichiH> Please do not contact freenode staff directly, but direct all correspondence to Elyssa M. Schnurr - Law Offices of Elyssa M. Schnurr - 6750 West Loop South - Suite 500, Bellaire, Texas, 77401.<br>
22:49 -!- You may not connect to this server: Clones, exploits and flooding<br> are offtopic on freenode. Please contact <a href="mailto:staff@freenode.net">staff@freenode.net</a><br> (2007/05/28 20.46 )
<br>22:49 -!- ERROR Closing Link: ...dip.t-<a href="http://dialin.net">dialin.net</a> (K-lined)<br>22:49 -!- Irssi: Connection lost to <a href="http://irc.freenode.net">irc.freenode.net</a><br><br>---<br><br>This looks to me like conflict management on any other IRC network out there.
<br>Even some warez networks have a more trustable policy.<br><br>And I wonder why people like me have to deal with abusive staff members on<br>IRC networks if they want to get involved with Free and Open Source Projects<br>
like Ubuntu.<br><br>I wonder why privacy does not count.<br><br>I wonder why people with special priviledges are unable to live proper conflict<br>management and why they mix private interests with moderation.<br><br><br>
<br>greetings,<br>Patrick Frank<br><br><br>