Hello all,<br><br>I want to create a backup of my music library onto an external hard drive. I have one that is mounted (see below) over a IEEE1394 aka firewire connection. When I try to copy everything over using cp, every time certain characters (notably a colon : or question mark ?) show up in a file name, an "Invalid argument" is throws and the file fails to copy over. Files without these characters get copied over fine. Here's a brief sample run:
<br><br>dannyc@washington:~/Desktop$ df -h<br>Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on<br>...<br>/dev/sdb1 150G 52G 98G 35% /media/FAT32<br><br>dannyc@washington:~/Desktop$ cp -R Musical /media/FAT32/
<br>...<br>cp: cannot create regular file `/media/FAT32/Musical/Music/Ween/Dude, Wheres my Car Sndtrack/Dude, Where\'s My Car?-06-Ween-Voodoo Lady.mp3': Invalid argument<br>cp: cannot create regular file `/media/FAT32/Musical/Music/Ween/God Ween Satan - The Oneness/GodWeenSatan: The Oneness-22-Birthday
Boy.mp3': Invalid argument<br>cp: cannot create regular file `/media/FAT32/Musical/Music/Mothers of Invention/We\'re Only in It for the Money/We\'re Only in It for the Money-08-What\'s the Ugliest Part of Your Body?.mp3': Invalid argument
<br>cp: cannot create regular file `/media/FAT32/Musical/Music/Dream Theater/Awake/Awake-01-6:00.mp3': Invalid argument<br>cp: cannot create regular file `/media/FAT32/Musical/Music/Dream Theater/Images & Words/Images and Words-05-Metropolis, Part I: The Miracle and the
Sleeper.mp3': Invalid argument<br>cp: cannot create regular file `/media/FAT32/Musical/Music/Bob Marley/Unknown Album/Classic Cuts 16: Reggae-05-Bob Marley & The Wailers-One Love.mp3': Invalid argument<br>cp: cannot create regular file `/media/FAT32/Musical/Music/Yes/Close To The Edge/Close to the Edge-01-Close to the Edge: I. The Solid Time of Change - II. Total Mass Retain - III. I Get Up I Get Down - IV. Seasons of
Man.mp3': Invalid argument<br>...<br><br>It seems that it is impossible to create _any_ file on this drive with a question mark or colon in the name (this might not be an exhaustive list of prohibited characters...), no matter what utility is used, eliminating the potential of it being just a problem with cp:
<br><br>dannyc@washington:/media/FAT32$ touch \?<br>touch: setting times of `?': No such file or directory<br><br>Does anyone know why this is happening? Seems quite strange that certain characters would be absolutely outlawed on a file system...
<br><br>Thanks in advance,<br><br>Danny Colligan<br>