Hi all. This is my first serious issue since I decided to move to Ubuntu. This morning, while I was doing the usual things (reply email, checking some feeds) the "New updates avaible" indicator turned on. I briefly checked the list and among other libraries and stuff I saw openoffice and firefox updates, so I marked it (I do it always). As usual, the update process was quick and smooth, when it finished I was asked to restart firefox. I tried, but after close it, never came alive again, so I restarted the machine... Now I only get the X login screen (which I didn't use anymore because I used to autologin in my one user laptop), when I authenticate myself, the X seems to restart and it bring me again to the login screen... I can login thru the text console though... PLEASE any help avaible on this??? I really need to bring back my desktop.
<br><br>Thank you all!<br>