Hi,<br><br>Thanks, good stuff at (it helped me but not completely..)<br><pre><a href="http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_configure_remote_desktop_.28not_secure.29">http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_configure_remote_desktop_.28not_secure.29</a></pre> <br>... but it doesn't work for me so far. I think it has to do with "port forwarding". <br>With the VNC Viewer I get thet error ; unable to connect to host: Connection timed out (10060). I did a set up of my port forwarding at my modem/router and this is enable as followed:<br><br>Server Name : SSH<br>Default port settings : 3600<br>Server Ip adress : Ubuntu box Ip adress<br><br>didn't work, second attempt:<br><br>Server Name : Terminal Server on UBU<br> Default port settings : 5600<br> Server Ip adress : Ubuntu box Ip adress<br> <br>didn't work as well. One of the strange things with this VNC viewer is that it does not ask for the password that I have set on this Ubuntu box, or is this going to happen after
connection?<br><br>What is your advice to get the connection working for me?<br><br>Cheers, Stephan<br><br><pre>Stephan Vissers wrote:<br>><i> Hi,<br></i>><i><br></i>><i> I would like to access my Ubuntu machine as a server from my laptop. <br></i>><i> On my laptap I have a VNC client running on XP. What is the advised <br></i>><i> way to do this?<br></i>><i> I have RealVNC Client on my XP.<br></i>><i> I want a VNC server running on my Ubuntu.<br></i>><i> My VNC client ask for some data. How do I get data from this VNC <br></i>><i> server like domain and client hostname?<br></i>><i><br></i><a href="http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_configure_remote_desktop_.28not_secure.29">http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_configure_remote_desktop_.28not_secure.29</a><br><br>HTH<br><br>A</pre><br><p>
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